Most marketers miss out on large chunks of available profits because they don't participate in enough joint ventures. If you're ready to start creating profitable joint ventures, here are the top 7 insider tips to get you started. The key is to form long-term partnerships rather than one-time deals. Many marketers are looking for partners to collaborate with; the question is where do you find them? Forums are the best places to network and find like-minded individuals for potential joint ventures. Be unique, personalize your proposals and outline the most significant benefits from a one-time effort.
Most marketers miss out on large chunks of available profits because they don't participate in enough joint ventures.
It's the simplest way to gain access to resources you wouldn't otherwise have.
Joint ventures are probably underutilized for two reasons. These are the fears of work and failure. But do you realize you've already failed by having this mindset?
While I'm not here to preach, I would like to emphasize that no marketer is an island. To improve yourself and maximize your success, you must pool your time and resources with other marketers.
Leverage is the key word here.
Leverage everything you do, including joint ventures, which are among the most powerful forms of leverage available.
Keep this in mind as you read the rest of this article and apply the seven basic tips revealed...
These are the lessons I learned from my own joint venture experiences, which I'd like to share with you. It's not just rhetoric. I finished it.
For example, if you want to learn how I got 19 top marketers on my side for a product like "Resale Rights Secrets", keep an eye on this article.
If you're ready to start creating profitable joint ventures, here are the top 7 insider tips to get you started:
Tip 1: Be Genuine And Develop Relationships
I believe that basic courtesy and sincerity are essential in any relationship, especially with joint venture partners.
Be genuine. Be considerate. Be truthful.
Trust creates trust.
Don't think of your potential partner as just someone to tap into; instead, make the contact with sincerity and friendliness.
Instead of a one-time partnership, you can create a relationship that will last a lifetime.
Tip #2: Consider the Long Term
This is closely related to the preceding setting of developing relationships.
You can continue to collaborate whenever each of you has a beneficial product or promotion. The key is to form long-term partnerships rather than one-time deals.
Tip 3: Never Give Up
I understand how frustrating it is to receive no responses from potential joint venture partners. But don't abandon the cause because of a few setbacks; you never know when you'll strike gold.
It's the same thing as looking for work. While you won't get every interview you apply for, getting one good one is what matters.
Spread your eggs and get to work. Contact as many potential partners as possible, and you will undoubtedly see results.
Tip 4: Keep an eye out for new opportunities.
Participating in joint ventures is another way to make them work for you. Many marketers, like you, are looking for partners to collaborate with; the question is, where do you find them?
Forums. Forums are the best places to network and find like-minded individuals for potential joint ventures.
There are no advertising costs, and you can be on the cutting edge of new opportunities by simply browsing forums in your niche.
Here is a list of high traffic marketing forums where you can participate:
Or simply join the Warrior Forum, an internet marketer's inner circle. The exposure and benefits you can gain from it are enormous.
While it's a private forum, you can get a complimentary secret pass through "Money & Power: An Interview With Allen Says".
Allen is also the founder of the Warrior Forum, where you can find him actively moderating:
Tip 5: Make Your Communication Clear
When you're approaching potential joint venture partners, it's very important not to beat about the bush or sound overly hyped-up.
Tell them the basic proposal and what they can gain, but leave out the major details unless they ask for more.
"Short, Sweet, and Simple" could not be more appropriate here.
Tip 6: Be Unique
You must be unique in order to establish profitable joint ventures.
This is especially true if you approach celebrities. They get a lot of joint venture proposals every day, so what makes yours stand out?
Be distinct. Give them something that no one else is offering.
I really personalize my proposals and outline the most significant benefits they can obtain...from a one-time effort.
For example, one of the many advantages I mentioned was master resale rights and 100% profits for "Resale Rights Secrets"
Because no one else was doing what I was doing, it became unique.
7th Tip: Be Irresistible
Last but not least, I learned the value of packaging irresistible offers, even for joint venture partners.
Treat them as if they were a customer. Make irresistible deals to get the joint venture started. Provide a plethora of benefits while remaining responsive. Everyone, especially valued joint venture partners, appreciates being treated well.
So, I'll conclude here, and I hope you found these suggestions useful. Go for those joint ventures now!
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