Affiliate marketing is the simplest way to get started as an internet marketer, as it does not require a website or product development. It is not difficult to find products to promote as an affiliate, but it is important to choose about 5 or more in various areas that interest you and that will sell well. It is also important to remember that it will be your money driving traffic to the affiliate site, so make it work for you.
Affiliate programs pay a high commission and deposit funds into your account as soon as the sale is completed. PPC is the most common way to generate traffic quickly, but there are others that can be easily found with a simple search. To make a lot of money as an affiliate, it is important to find low-cost, underutilized keywords and bid high to get your ad to the top 10 or first page. If you use a broad keyword, you will get 47 clicks but not one sale. The most important details are that to determine how a keyword is performing and converting into sales, you need to use 200 clicks, look at the conversion rate, and refine your keywords.
To do this, you must identify a unique product that customers should have, brainstorm a few keywords that fit this concept, make a list of single words and two-word phrases, open the Overture keyword tool, and combine them to form three and four word phrases. Test these in your tools to see how many searches occur, and then experiment with different word combinations until you find the right combination. Finally, add them to your account's keyword list and target your market with specific 3 and 4 word phrases.
So you're sitting in front of your monitor while everyone else is watching the latest soap opera. Ads fill your screen as you click through them one by one in search of the ideal business opportunity that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Each sales page promises more than the last, and deciding how wealthy you want to be is becoming increasingly difficult. "Make One Million In Six Months," "Write Your Own Paycheck," "The Secret To Earning Multiple Streams Of Income," and so on.
You are so excited about your newfound wealth that you give the dog your prime fillet that you purchased an hour ago, knowing that once you start up, you will never look back as the money pours into your bank account.
If this were true, we would have an awful lot of extremely happy dogs who have no idea what dog food is, but affiliate marketing is not what it appears to be.
However, what is stated is not entirely false. You can accomplish all or many of the items listed, but not in 15 minutes per day and on autopilot.
Now let us return to reality. How do I go about doing it?
Being an affiliate for other people's products is the simplest way to get started as an internet marketer. The reasons are straightforward: you don't need your own website and all the technical jargon that comes with it, and you don't have to spend money and time developing your own product. All you have to do is drive traffic to the affiliate site, they will make the sales, and you will receive your money.
It is not difficult to find products to promote as an affiliate. There are literally thousands to choose from. Some will charge a fee to join, but the majority will be free.
As an affiliate marketer, you don't want to promote just one product because that would be like putting all your eggs in one basket. Choose about 5 or more in various areas that interest you and that you believe will sell well. Take your time and read through everything, remembering that it will be your money driving traffic to that site, so make it work for you.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting affiliate products.
Examine when and how they pay your commissions.
The percentage commission that they will pay you.
Choose ones that pay a high commission and deposit funds into your account as soon as the sale is completed. This will prevent you from losing money on sales because you will not be able to track any sales activity in many cases.
After all of that, you are now armed to the teeth with affiliate links, and the dog is happily eating a prime fillet, so let's get started.
PPC is the most common way to generate traffic quickly (pay per click). Google Adwords is the big dog in town, but there are a few others that can be easily found with a simple search. It is very simple to sign up and then you are ready to go.
Now, the kind people from the affiliate programs you joined may have provided you with keywords that you can simply copy and paste into your Google Adwords account. All you have to do now is copy and paste them, place your bid, and watch the money roll in.
The bad news is that unless you're in business to lose money, this is all you'll be doing, and the dog will be reduced to dog food and you to bread and water. Your advertising will cost you far more than your earnings.
That being said, you can make a lot of money as an affiliate, but you will have to put in some effort.
Your main goal is to find low-cost, underutilized keywords. Take, for example, Google Adwords.
If you copy and paste the keywords provided to you, chances are that many other affiliates are also using the same keywords. To get your ad to the top 10 or first page, you must bid high. Assume you end up bidding 50 cents on a fairly broad keyword.
The product you're selling costs $47, and you get 50% of that, or $23.50 less banking fees. In practice, this means that for every 47 clicks, you must make one sale to break even. I can tell you right now that if you use a broad keyword, you will get 47 clicks but not one sale.
To determine how a keyword is performing and converting into sales, use 200 clicks. When you reach that goal, look at the conversion rate, or the number of clicks per sale. If you have made no or only one sale, you need to refine your keywords because you are targeting the wrong market.
Where and how do you find and use these enigmatic keywords? I mean, the English language only has so many words!
Step 1
Examine the affiliates website you joined and determine what makes this a unique product that customers should have. Please understand that the answer is not in the first words you read on the page, the headline or subheadline. Read through the entire affiliate sales page and come up with your own unique ideas; be unique.
the second step
Now that you have a clear idea in mind, brainstorm a few keywords that fit this concept and will relate well to the product you are attempting to sell. Make a list of single words and two-word phrases. Write down all of these until you have ten or fifteen.
The third step is to
You have your Adwords account, so open the Overture keyword tool and use both. Good Keywords is a free download that will provide you with a wealth of information.
Combine your single and two word phrases to form three and four word phrases. Test these in your tools to see how many searches occur, and then experiment with different word combinations until you find the right combination.
Once you've found a good combination of keyword phrases, add them to your account's keyword list. With the lowest bid, you will almost certainly be able to enter the top ten.
Targeting your market with specific 3 and 4 word phrases will get you quality clicks at a low cost, with the target market generating sales.
You've probably heard the phrase "find your niche," but believe me when I say that if you try to hit broadly, you'll lose money.
You can be a successful affiliate, but you must invest time and effort in identifying the appropriate target audience for your product. The ultimate goal of your company is to achieve the proper balance.
Good luck with your marketing!
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